Due to a birth defect, little Sapphyre Johnson was born without all of her toes and fingers. In her short life Sapphyre’s undergone three major surgeries, including a double amputation at the age of one to remove the toes she did have, so that she could be fitted with prosthetic legs.Sapphyre’s mum Ashley told Greenville Online: ‘When I was seven months pregnant, they did an ultra sound and told us she may be missing some fingers and toes,’
She went on: ‘They don’t know what caused it,’
But although Sapphyre has had a rough ride of it so far, things are looking up, as Sapphyre has just been give a very special puppy.You see Lt. Dan (named after the Forest Gump character who loses his leg), was born with a missing paw.
Lt. Dan is just 9 weeks old
Lt. Dan – a gorgeous white German Shepherd puppy – was born to one of dog breeder Karen Riddle’s dogs.When Karen saw he was missing a paw, some fellow breeders suggested she put him down, however Karen knew this wasn’t an option.
Instead she contacted her local Shriners Children’s Hospital in Greenville, South Carolina – which happens to be where Sapphyre has been treated – and asked if any of the children there would like to care for a puppy who was a little different.And when someone told Sapphyre’s mum about Lt. Dan, they agreed to meet.
To everyone’s delight, Sapphyre and Lt. Dan hit it off immediately.In fact, Ashley Johnson told BuzzFeed news, that as soon as Sapphyre saw Lt. Dan she said, ‘He’s got a foot like mine — he’s like me,’ and then proceeded to take off her prosthetic legs so she could show him they were just the same.
Talking about the new addition to their family, Sapphyre’s father Matthew told Greenville Online: ‘A lot of kids don’t see other children or animals that have issues like they have,’He went on: ‘This was a really nice thing… and a really good thing for Sapphyre.’
And as you can clearly see from the pictures, Sapphyre and Lt. Dan couldn’t be more in love.In fact, Ashley Johnson told BuzzFeed News they’re already best friends.
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