Sunday, September 13, 2015

Adorable Twin Baby Girls Dance Ecstatically When Their Mom Starts Singing

Feeling down? Just watch these devastatingly cute twin baby girls dissolve into happy dancing as their mother sings the theme song to the BBC soap "EastEnders."
Amira and Amel gleefully flap their arms. They laugh. They shimmy and shake. It's so adorable we can't stop smiling.The video, which has 1.6 million views on YouTube, was posted by the twins' mother Lola Adebayo, a digital designer who lives in London. She told The Huffington Post she performs for the girls every night.They're particularly partial to the EastEnders' theme song.
"For some reason they love it so much," she said. "Whenever I sing it they stop whatever it is they're doing, which includes crying, just to dance along."
Adebayo said her twins already have distinct personalities. Amira "loves being loud," while Amel is "more laid back." They both know how to have fun.
"As a pair they are adorably funny and amazing to watch, especially when they interact with each other and make each other laugh," she said.
Watch the video and you'll see what she means. And check out Adebayo's YouTube channel for more videos of the perfect pair posing for the camera and burbling joyously at each other. 

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