Monday, August 31, 2015

Adorable Bulldog Puppy Loves Giving This Baby Lots Of Kisses

Dogs are said to be “man’s best friend,” and sometimes that friendship can start at the beginning, when both man and dog are young. It’s great to see that friendship develop between a baby and puppy. After all, they have more in common at that stage than ever!
It pretty much goes without saying that puppies and babies make for a winning combination of cuteness, and this duo is no exception.
Watch as this adorable puppy and just as adorable baby smother each other with love. They certainly are best friends in the making.
Kingston the Bulldog can’t seem to get enough of his little companion. He loves giving his little friend kisses, and the baby seems to be enjoying the slobber just as much. I couldn’t help but laugh along with this sweet pair.
This lucky mom not only captured this cute moment on film, but I get the feeling that most of her days are spent watching her baby and Kingston play. I know I could watch this for hours.
It reminded me of the puppy who cuddled up to take a nap with a newborn. I also love this video of the puppy pulling on the baby’s diaper. I can’t get enough!

Bouncing Puppy Loves Cute Baby

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