Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Baby and puppy share a birthday, might think they belong to the same species

Put your newborn infant in the same room with a puppy and you’re likely to get hours of entertainment out of this particular combination. The same goes for the duo above, Dilan (the boy) and Farley (the French bulldog), who apparently do everything together and likely think they’re brothers.
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According to Bored Panda, 25-year-old Ivette Ivens got the dog when she discovered he had the same birthday as her son, and the two hit it off immediately. Farley has been with the family for five months and has been following Dilan around ever since.
“I’m pretty sure Dilan thinks they’re both the same species, as they walk at the same level and are both going through the stage of chewing on everything,” she said. “It’s honestly the most loving connection – pure, unconditional, irreplaceable and inseparable”
“My little Dilan is a chilled-out baby and he’s always happy, but for some reason Farley really cracks him up. I love seeing them together,” Ivens added. “He cleans up Dilan’s mess after he eats, and always licks Dilan’s neck if he is crying, so he starts laughing out loud”
More pictures showing the adorable playmates in all sorts of instances follow below, with even more photos available at the source links.

Baby and French bulldog pup are inseparable as they eat, sleep and bathe together

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